Bob’s Your Uncle 2023 Rebuild

a local classic, re-imagined for 2023


A Place To Progress

Bob’s was originally built by myself and my friend Pete as a place to bring the large features we loved to ride in places like Kamloops to our own backyard. Over the years with the help of countless hands it expanded into a densely packed collection of committing features intended to push our biking abilities.

Wear And Tear

The years took their toll and Bobs’ eventually fell into disrepair. Although still popular: a testament to its construction, it was at risk of becoming a relic among relics.


In 2022 the Nanaimo Mountain Bike Club approached Workhorse with the thought of infusing Bobs with new life. Together we brought the original spirit of Bobs into an age of new bikes for new riders. The use of heavy equipment allowed the construction of features long imagined but not feasible by hand.

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